Profile Details
Atlanta, GA
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Audio Technica 2035, Focusrite Scarlett 2i2 3rd gen, MacBook Air 13.3
Conversational, Warm, Deep, grounded, comforting, laid-back
English (Neutral USA)
BA Theatre Arts UNO, 2 years VO training in Conversational Read
Maci is an African American female voice over artist. She has training in commercial and video game work. Maci first trained under Kalo Gow while attending the University of New Orleans and graduated with her BA in Theatre Arts. Currently she trains with Dave fennoy for video games and has previously studied with Nicole Britton for commercials. Maci has her own home studio fitted with an Audio Technica 2035 microphone and a focusrite 2i2 (3rd generation) scarlett interface.
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