Profile Details
Webster Jr
Detroit, MI
Shirley Hamilton, MCVO, J Pervis, Go Voices
Source Connect
Mic: Sennheiser MKH-416, Audio Interface: Apollo Solo, DAW: Adobe Audition, Computer: Macbook Air w/M1 Chip
Calm, Smooth, Articulate, Narrator, Genuine, Friendly, Relatable, Professional, Warm, Grounded
American English, African-American, Midwest, Canadian, North American
TV In-Show Narration, Documentaries, E-Learning, Commercials, Explainer Videos, Corporate Narration
3+ years


Ferlon Webster, Jr. is an innovative producer, actor, and narrator with over a decade of experience in the creative field, including the broadcast news industry. Starting off as a local news camera man in 2010, Ferlon worked his way from behind the scenes to writing and voicing stories on-air, to becoming an on-air talent. From there, he realized, he had a true passion for narration and for presenting original material on-camera, which led him to incorporate himself in the commercial production field. Ferlon has narrated several non-fiction audiobooks, numerous E-Learning courses, commercials, corporate videos, and has also appeared in several on camera commercials. His recent bookings include a national spot with USA Scientific, and a regional spot with On the Run Pizza in Missouri.

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